[ale] Interesting MS article

Steve Jones SJones at btsquared.com
Wed Apr 7 13:20:33 EDT 1999

In the article's heading...
"A prodigy's Redmond isolation lab faces 'outing' over life secrets"

Look at the first letter of each word....

-----Original Message-----
 From: Mike Kachline [mailto:kachline at medept17.coon.gatech.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 10:14 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Cc: alp at email.com
Subject: [ale] Interesting MS article


	I don't know how many of you have already read this article (saw
it on slashdot), but it is *very* interesting. Has a few head scratching
points about MS's business philosophies for the future. Is Microsoft
betting their corporate future on this 9 year old kid?


							- Mike
Michael Kachline CS, Georgia Institute of Technlology
kachline at brightstar.gt.ed.net

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