[ale] Sound Config - Kernel Compile - Boot Disk Question

Jim Kinney jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
Wed Oct 28 13:44:16 EST 1998

make zdisk.  Read the README in the kernel source and about 5 or 6 page
downs into it it talks about the different ways to use the make. One of
them is make zdisk. It will put it on the floppy for you!

James Kinney M.S.Physics		jkinney at emory.edu
Educational Technology Specialist	404-727-4734
Department of Physics Emory University	http://teller.physics.emory.edu

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Strickland, Thomas L. wrote:

> Forgive my newness, but such is my condition.
> Two days into my Linux life.  Caldera OpenLinux happily installed and
> running.  KDE looking lovely.  Here is my question:
> As it sits right now, I have no sound.  When I get home today, I plan to
> "make xconfig" to make Linux recognize my Ensoniq Soundscape card.  Since
> this is going to result in a recompilation of my kernel, what is the best
> way to update the kernel on my bootdisk?  Do I simply do this:
> dd if=KERNEL of=/dev/fd0 obs=1k
> Or what?
> Thomas L. Strickland  *
> Solution Center - x. 6858

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