[ale] Jazz disk (ATAPI)

John M. Mills jmills at jmills.gtri.gatech.edu
Mon Oct 19 09:37:14 EDT 1998

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Glenn C. Lasher Jr. wrote:

> Actually, I kind of like the fact that they chose partition 4, because I
> make all my ext2 disks use partition 1, and all my FAT disks use partition
> 4.  Result is that I can put two separate entries in /etc/fstab, one
> mounts /dev/sda1 as /zip and the other mounts /dev/sda4 as /zfat

You can do this even if they don't use different partition numbers.  I
create mount points for any relevant FS type that might be used in a given
partition (only makes sense for removable media, nnaturally), then 'mount'
the disk[ette] on the mount point for its type of fs.  Please excuse me if
I didn't see your motivation here, but I don't see the advantage unless
there is a more serious result of Win* trying to read an ext2 fs, than
simply failing the read.

Regards - mills

  John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer -- john.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
  Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0834
         Phone contacts: 404.894.0151 (voice), 404.894.6285 (FAX)
             "Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Simulations"

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