[ale] problem with iso9660 format

Lisa Chiang gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net
Wed May 20 22:45:51 EDT 1998

Now that I'm running my new kernel (2.033 patched with 
patch-2.0.34pre15), I've discovered a new problem.

I have an ATAPI CDROM which is mounted with the iso9660 filesystem in fstab. 
When I mount the disk and list the files though, any file that does NOT have an
extension in its file name (such as "file" vs. "file.txt"), now has a "."
appended to its file name so now it appears as "file."

This really messes things up as I now have to change every entry in one of my
configuration files (this isn't a Linux file, its a MCNP library file) from
"file" to "file." Is there a fix for this?  (I know the dot isn't really there
as it isn't under Win95/DOS or my previous kernel, 2.0.30.

--gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net
Lisa Chiang

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