[ale] Screensaver

Steve Lewis sglewis at mindspring.com
Wed May 20 22:21:59 EDT 1998

You need to use the setterm command.  My /etc/rc.d/rc.local script has the
following lines in it:

# set timeout to 60 minutes
# I'm not positive, but I think setting
# this to zero may disable screen blanking
/usr/bin/setterm -blank 60

# the next 2 lines set the screen saver to go
# "EneregyStar" powersaver mode after that first
# 60 minutes, and into powerdown mode after another.
# You should only use this option if you have an
# "EnergyStar" monitor
/usr/bin/setterm -powersave vsync
/usr/bin/setterm -powerdown 60

# This line makes these settings stick until
# the next reboot
/usr/bin/setterm -store

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ale at cc.gatech.edu
> [mailto:owner-ale at cc.gatech.edu]On Behalf
> Of Bryan Moorehead
> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 1998 9:08 PM
> To: ALE
> Subject: [ale] Screensaver
> What is necessary to prevent my screen form going blank after
> 5 minutes
> of inactivity?  I am running Cladera Base 1.1, and last
> evening. I tried
> fiddling with the the screensaver icon.  Nada.  I  dug into the teeny
> tiny manual, to no avail.  I even ran configX.  At about the
> same time,
> Galaxy 4 went toes up. Coincedence?  As always, any help would be
> appreciated.
> 					Thanks,
> 					Bryan Moorehead

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