[ale] Need a recommendation

Vernard Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Jul 16 02:09:01 EDT 1998

> Please recommend some decent 4M video cards that work well
> with XFree86/Linux. I'm currently using an S3Virge and it flaky.

I have been using an S3 Virge 4MB PCI card for quite some time on Redhat 4.2
with no problems. I usually do 1280x1024 @16bpp (due to monitor restrictions I
can't do 24bpp at that res). It has never flaked out on me. You might want to
put your card in another slot to see if that particular slot is flakey rather
than the chipset.

Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu)  | 2nd Atlanta Linux Showcase!
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~vernard/      | October 23 - 24, 1998
Georgia Tech, College of Computing      | http://www.ale/org/showcase

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