[ale] doh! stupid glibc..

Matt Shade mshade at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 14 18:42:35 EDT 1998

Whoa! Did I miss a posting?

libc.so is NOT a creation of Red Hat, but of Unix. It's your shared C
library and linked to the versions of libc that you have:

:/# ldconfig -p | grep libc.so
        99 - ELF libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5.3.12
        100 - ELF libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5.0.9
        101 - DLL libc.so.4 => /lib/libc.so.4.7.6
        102 - DLL libc.so.4 => /lib/libc.so.4.7.2
        103 - ELF libc.so.1 => /usr/lib/libc.so.1
        104 - ELF libc.so.1 => /usr/lib/libc.so.1

I can't help you with your original question about which RPM has it, as
I don't use RPMs, but it sounds like you just need to find the 6.0


Elijah Underwood wrote:
> Okay, so we've established that libc.so. is a feindish creation of
> redhat and thier glibc switcheroo. Now my question is, what do I need to
> do to get SuSE 5.2 to the point where it'll handle glibc? Is there a
> glibc-upgrade rpm?

     __        _______________________________
    / /                                       |Matt Shade (RCE)
   / /________  HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY       |WWARC HP3000 MPE/OS Team
  / /__ / /_ _/ North American Response Center|mss at atl.hp.com
 / / / / /_/ /  20 Perimeter Summit Boulevard |Matt Shade /HP-USA,om41
/_/ /_/ /___/   Atlanta, Georgia  30319 /USA  |Phone: 404/T 648-3076
     / /       _______________________________|Fax:   404/  648-1755

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