[ale] Jobs. Off topic..kinda

Dave root at trusted.net
Tue Jan 20 11:41:20 EST 1998


Sorry, this may be a tad bit off topic, but I seem to be caught in
a slight dilemma.  First off, I am currently in the "market" for a new job
in the East Cobb, Marietta'ish area.  That's all great, but here's where
the problem comes in.  Most companies seem rather adamant on their rule
about hiring minors.  (Yes, to my vast misfortune, I am a minor.)  

I despise jobs that insult my overall intelligence, i.e., grocery store
bag boy, McDonald's burger-flipper, and honestly (and seemingly
unmodestly) think that I am better than that.  I've tried a few local
ISP's, but they dont seem to want to reply with anything,  most likely
because they find people who can work full-day shifts and not just

I dont blame companies for doing that, considering the majority of minors
are probably not the ideal choice for a job.  But, if anyone can make any
suggestions of a place that may actually be willing to give me a try, I
would be very grateful!   

Dave Brooks
spork at 777.net

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