[ale] I (almost) give up!

Michael B Golden naugrim at juno.com
Fri Dec 25 09:43:45 EST 1998

I've almost give up on getting Linux connected to the internet. Here are
my last cries for help:

1. Pap-Secrets Problem?

# PAP authentication file: /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
# This file should have a permission of 600.
# ~# chmod 600 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
# Username      Server      Password      IP addresses
"michael"   *   "Password"

Why does this have a header for Username, Server, Password, and IP
address, yet pppsetup only filled in two? Also, why is the password under
the server header?

What is the basic template for a ppp-on file using PAP? pppsetup doesn't
seem to make anything that works. I think it has to do with username and
password verification that it has the trouble. It can connect, yet
disconnects me because of this, so I am trying to find out how to write
my own ppp-on file.

Michael Golden
Naugrim at Juno.com
Slackware 3.5 (2.0.34) Linux user -- Linux Advocator

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