[ale] netscape error from 4.08-1 rpms

Michael D. Ivey ivey at realminfo.com
Mon Dec 21 09:36:14 EST 1998

morning, and a happy winter solstice to you all.

anyhoo...pulled the netscape 4.08 rpms from redhat.com last week, and
installed them.  navigator runs fine, but communicator only ran once.
now it dies with:

$ netscape-communicator 
    Name: netscape-communicator
    Class: XmDisplay
    _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW has been destroyed

and then the quality assurance agent starts up...he wants to send all
kinds of nastiness back to netscape, but that's another story.  

anyway, this isn't a big deal since i never USE communicator, but i'm
just curious what is making it crap out.  anyone having success with
the 4.08-1 rpms?  i'm running under windowmaker currently, which
probably does make a difference in this case.


michael d. ivey: director of emerging technologies   (http://realminfo.com)
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick
    to anger.

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