[ale] Floppy Drive

Mark Cantrell mcantrell at inetnow.net
Sun Aug 2 18:52:29 EDT 1998

Williams, Jim wrote:

> I have never had to copy to my floppy drive and now that I have to I
> can not
> figure out how to do it and I let my brother in law borrow my Linux
> books.
> I know you have to mount it and then just copy my files to the disk
> but what
> do I need to do to mount it.

well first make sure your kernal sees it > dmesg , it should be called
fd0look in /etc/fstab for an entry something like >/dev/fd0 floppy ext2
defaults 0 0, or add it
then > mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt, where mnt is the mountpoint on your
the ext2 should be used if thats what kinda filesystem you created on
the floppy
if you havn't done that yet then > mke2fs /dev/fd0 1440

on the other hand, I always just use
>mdir a: and >mcopy src destn


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