[ale] text and X mode email client

ivey at realminfo.com ivey at realminfo.com
Tue Apr 7 13:29:35 EDT 1998

I'm about to give up on /bin/mail, since I finally feel I need MIME support
and PGP-signing.  However, I have a gloriously hacked together .mailrc,
.procmailrc, and .procmailrc-outgoing that I want to keep, plus all of my
existing mail folders...and sometimes I have to telnet in and use a command
line, no-curses app.  So, before I write a GUI/CLUI mailer, can anyone
point me towards an already exisiting one?  Thanks.


Michael D. Ivey, RHCE, BOFH   \  Send mail with subject "GET LIST" or 
Senior Technical Manager       \  finger for PGP, GEEK CODE, UIN, etc. 
REALM Information Technologies  \  "Always obey the laws of Physics"

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