[ale] IPX in DosEmu

Alex C. Snoeren alex at r36h55.res.gatech.edu
Mon Jan 20 18:35:41 EST 1997

Not having class today, I decided to break down and play WarCraft II
with my roomates.  All it needs is IPX.  No problem, I thought... I'll
build my Kernel with IPX support, turn it on in the DosEmu config file,
and be on my way.

Not so easy, unfortunately.  Has anyone successfully gotten DOS games to
run over an IPX network?  WarCraft keeps telling me it can't find an IPX
network.  Not having any other Linux or DOS apps that use IPX, I can't
confirm the status of the network, other than what ifconfig tells me,
which is that it is up and running on eth0.

Do I need to run some sort of TSR in the DOS emulator?  According to the
docs, I shouldn't need any... I have a copy of NETX, but not having a
Netware Server to log into, there was no way to check if it was working,
although it didn't complain about a missing IPXODI layer or anything.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

- Alex

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