[ale] XFree86-3.2 & LibXaw3d

Steven A. Duchene sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com
Fri Feb 7 17:52:09 EST 1997

I have updated my X stuff to 3.2 and while I was doing that I recompiled
and re-installed the libXaw3d library which is supposed to be a drop in
replacement for libXaw however none of the programs on my system which
are linked against libXaw will reconize the new library. I have tried
naming the libXaw3d.so.6.1 to libXaw.so.6.0 or libXaw.so.6.1 and then
re-running ldconfig but nothing seems to have any effect.
This is all I have ever done before but this time nothing seems to work.
ldconfig still sees the library as libXaw3d instead of libXaw. 
I compiled the library from source and had no errors.

This is Xaw3d-1.3 which is listed as being compatable with XFree86-3.2
Do I have to do something in the library Makefile to fool it into thinking
it is libXaw? 
Steve DuChene              sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com               1-800-633-3600

	       The HP North American Response Center, Atlanta
		  X/CDE/Vue/xterminal/graphics support team
    		    I am an employee of Hewlett-Packard.

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