[ale] ISDN and BellSouth

Dan Newcombe newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu
Wed Sep 4 10:12:32 EDT 1996

> >      I agree.  Why pay $125.00 for ISDN when the cable modems will be
> >      available from Media 1 shortly.  You would think Bell would make ISDN
> >      attractive now to try and get as much of the market as possible.  Bell
> >      needs to decrease rates to increase it's customer base.
> One of the problems with ISDN from BellSouth's perspective is
> that it is very expensive/labor intensive to install. If it were simply
> a matter of flipping a bit to turn on the service, it would be much less
> expensive.

expensive to have installed ($200).  So, from the consumer 
point-of-view again, that is not a reason to me.  (In other words, I pay you 
$200 to install it, you can't tell me it's expensive to install :)

However, why would I rather get ISDN from BellSouth instead of Media-1. 
You should see the reception I get on the Cartoon Network.  They don't 
charge me to watch 24 hours of religious junk or "GOVERNMENT STATION", 
but I have to pay extra to see WGN and WOR, and even more when they 
FINALLY get the Sci-Fi channel.  I can just see their cable modem rate 
- UDP packets are free, but it's a per-packet charge for TCP packets.

	-Dan, with his two cents.

Dan Newcombe (newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu)
`I'm from Europe where it's the normal thing,' Flume said. `I
wish they were not so concerned about naked breasts and would do
something about the violence here.'' Swiss film producer Michael
Flume commenting on Florida's proposed anti-nudity law.

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