[ale] ISDN and BellSouth

Geoffrey Myers geof at denali.is.net
Tue Sep 3 12:47:26 EDT 1996

All this discussion revolving around ISDN has prompted me to share some
recent info with the list.  It appears that BellSouth is in the process of
attempting to change ISDN rates from flat to base plus minute charging.
Base plus minute means once you exceed a particular base max, you then are
charged for each minute over the base.  I received the following info
regarding this, read and be aware before you decided to go the ISDN route:

} We were just informed that BellSouth will be requesting a tariff
} change for ISDN!  This will have an impact on everyone in BellSouth
} Territory.  The tariff request was submitted August 15, 1996.
} According to Cary Howell of ComStar Communications Corp., the following
} came straight from BellSouth.
} This month BellSouth will submit a proposal for new ISDN rates in
} each state that it serves except Tennessee.  The plan has two major
} elements:
} 1) A usage cap of 125 hours for residential customers and 200 hours
} for businesses on local calls for the same monthly rate that
} BellSouth currently offers for unlimited usage.  Additional usage
} beyond the new limit will cost one cent per minute for both voice and
} data.
} 2) An 8 percent to 15 percent discount on existing monthly rates for
} EZ ISDN ordering code packages.
} For more information, see the telecommunications section of EFG's website at
}      http://ninja.techwood.org/~efg/telecom/telecom.htm
} 24 hrs * 31 days = 744 hrs - 125 cap = 619 * 60 mins =  37,140 extra pennies =
} $371.40 EXTRA each month.  Based on a $70/monthly charge, this is a increase
} of over 600%!!!!
} - --------------------------------
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Until later:
Geoffrey Myers   geof at denali.is.net   Unix.Guru.Dude at worldnet.att.net
	http://www.ticllc.net/~geof  or http://denali.is.net/~geof

	Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....

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