[ale] Re: 2.1.1
Mark Nordberg
mark at b001h016.rh.ncsu.edu
Wed Oct 9 10:30:36 EDT 1996
> I am configuring kernel 2.1.1 but I do not see all the support I saw in earlier
> kernels. I looking for masq. support and Java binaries. but when I do make
> Xconfig they are not highlighted nor are they listed when I do make config.
> when I vi .config they are not there either. Have they been removed?
Not sure, but the 2.1.x kernels so far have been pieces of junk....There
is so much broken it is not work running them....Additionally, I can't
run them because they broke smp when the moved from physical to
virtual addressing.
Plus, 2.1.2 is a work in progress....Linus made some kernel changes and
has not fixed all the source code with the new code, so there is
a partially working kernel.
Typically, the development kernels don't become usable until the 40's or
Mark Nordberg | **Senior Materials Science and Engineering
mpn at mindspring.com | **NCSU Linux Users Group Chairman
mpnordbe at eos.ncsu.edu |
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