[ale] Real:DNS on Linux

Dan Newcombe newcombe at aa.csc.peachnet.edu
Wed Nov 27 11:57:12 EST 1996

> /etc/named.boot:

directory /var/adm/named
primary    100.202.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA      csi.com
primary    csi.com                       db.csi

> /var/adm/named/csi.com:
@		IN	SOA	csi.com.	id.pentium.csi.com. (
 				1996112701	; Serial
 				28800	; Refresh
 				7200	; Retry
 				604800	; Expire
 				86400)	; Minimum TTL	
 11		IN	PTR	pentium
 2              IN      PTR     tf500
 3              IN      PTR     test

csi.com. IN SOA csi.com. id.pentium.csi.com. (
                                1996112701   ;serial
                                28800	; Refresh
                                7200	; Retry
                                604800	; Expire
                                86400)	; Minimum TTL	
tf500      IN       A
test       IN       A

The changes I made are:
In the named.boot, the 100.202.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA is generally used for 
mapping IP numbers back to hostnames.  The csi.com -> db.csi mapping is 
used to map hostnames to IP numbers.

Added a dot after csi.com in the SOA record.  This tells it that is the 
end of the hostname, otherwise it'll try to add other stuff to the end 
of this.  
Added id. before pentium.csi.com   This part of the SOA indicates the 
e-mail address to contact.  The address would be id at pentium.csi.com, 
but we have to use a dot instead of a @. 
Serial number.  While you can use 1,2,3, it's easier on you to use the 
date followed by a sequence number which indicates how many times that 
day you changed it.  So 1996112703 would mean it was the third time on 
Nov 27, 1996 that you changed the file.
PTR records.  I took the ending period off of pentium, which will force 
it to add csi.com to the end of it.  With the period, it thinks that 
the full host name is pentium, not pentium.csi.com  I also added 
records for the other two machines you had listed.

This file, like I said, will map hostnames to ip's.  It is probably 
possible to put them all in one file, but it's just the way I go.  
Anyway, I made the same changes to the SOA record.  The only real 
change I made to the actual records was putting the IN in there.

Hopefully this'll help.  Also, the O'Rielly DNS & BIND book is quite 


Dan Newcombe (newcombe at aa.clayton.edu) http://www.csc.peachnet.edu/home/dan/
- So if you want my address it's number one at the end of the bar.
                                  (Marillion, Sugar Mice)

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