[ale] Real:DNS on Linux

Christopher Fowler cfowler at www.topform.com
Wed Nov 27 09:35:33 EST 1996

I'm trying to install DNS on a linux server on a private network and
I'm having a few problems.

Here are my config files:


;    boot file for name server
;directory /etc
directory /var/adm/named
primary    100.202.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA      csi.com


@		IN	SOA	csi.com	pentium.csi.com. (
				1	; Serial
				28800	; Refresh
				7200	; Retry
				604800	; Expire
				86400)	; Minimum TTL	
11		IN	PTR	pentium.

tf500		A
test		A

WHen I do a nslookup I get thew following:

Default Server:  pentium

> Server:  pentium

**** pentium can't find tf500: quit *****


This is just to serve names of 30 computers non on the internet.  I do not like
editing 30 host files so that is why I'm setting up DNS.

but I can not view the IP address of tf500 and even when I do a
nslookup I it states the address of pentium as .

Does ne1 know what I've done wrong.  The DNS faq assumed you were connecting to the
internet and it was not very helpful.

Christopher Fowler
To contact me:  cfowler at www.topform.com
Computer Software, INC. * 303 Research Drive * Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (770) 448-1484 * FAX: (770) 448-3949

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