[ale] novice question

Vernard Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Mar 19 13:42:59 EST 1996

> I want to be able to view in X nroff files. Using apropos I found
> gs and the man page sounded like it should do the job but when I try
> gs in a console window I get: svgalib: Cannot get I/O permissions.
> and when I try on X I get:
> Not running in graphicscapable virtual console.
> Finally my question: Is ghostview what I need? 
> If so what do I read to find out how in install it?
> The file I have is gnuzipped and tarred and contains ghostview.
> Do I just untar it in / as root?

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Are you trying to view nroff
files under Xwindows? If that is what you are asking then the best way to
do this is to use psroff to convert them to postscript and then use
ghostview to preview them. Both psroff and ghostview are available on

Vernard Martin
(vernard.martin at cc.gatech.edu) http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/vernard/
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332

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