[ale] NS 2.0 and .au files

Steven A. Duchene sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com
Mon Mar 4 10:42:56 EST 1996

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> I'm in need of a way to test my applets.  It seems that NS 2.0 under linux
> is unable to send the .au files to /dev/audio .  Does anybody know
> how to get NS 2.0 to do sound ?
	Isn't this all controled through the mailcap & mime.types files?
	I believe all you need is a simple shell script that cats a file
	to /dev/audio that can be called from you mailcap file. Something
	like the following:

	audio/basic; showaudio %s

	I think if you install meta-mail it installs things like showpicture
	or showaudio.

Steve DuChene              sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com               1-800-633-3600

	       The HP North American Response Center, Atlanta
		   X/Vue/xterminal/graphics support team
    		    I am an employee of Hewlett-Packard.

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