[ale] news disk full errors

Zot O'Connor zot at crl.com
Wed Jun 19 09:39:51 EDT 1996

Filesystem  1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda2   232989     171623     49334    78%      /
/dev/sda3   653495      79578    536541   13%     /usr/lib/news
/dev/sdb1   3976015        15   3763368    0%     /var/spool/news
                     ^^     ^^^  ^^^

A file system on a 1.2.8 Slackware system seems to be bad.  It is 
the news server (Surprise huh?) and has gone to lunch.  I am 
curious as to the above df output since it lists plenty avaiable, 
but no capacity?

If I run the news server it locks and rebbots the machine with no 
error maessages printed to the logs.

Fsck says everything is hunky dory

DU agrees with Avaiable

Do I reformat the drive?  Do I run a different utility like fsck?  
Do I deep six the 4 gig paper weight.

Other wierd things are going on with the system, icluding nmbd 
and smbd disappearing (without a trace) from /usr/sbin about the 
same time as the news server crash.

Any ideas or pointer before I get seep into this one would be 
appreciated.  I am not super familar with news servers at full 
scale like this.


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