[ale] Problems with utmp.

Christopher Hamilton chrish at gstv.gsu.edu
Sat Jun 8 16:32:58 EDT 1996

I apologize for posting this to ALE, but I misplaced the sender
of the code that reads the utmp file.

This is the problem, for the most part - it works fine. However,
there have been instances where the ut_type has been like 65442.
A bit strange for a number that is only supposed to be 0-8. here
is the code. The output is something like who -a on some UMIX 

#!/usr/bin/perl  -w
use POSIX;
use subs('utmp_nfo','idle');

print &utmp_nfo;

sub utmp_nfo
    $ut_t='l l a12 a4 l a8 a16 l';	


    %proc=('UT_UNKNOWN',    0,
           'RUN_LVL',	    1,
           'BOOT_TIME',	    2,
           'NEW_TIME',	    3,
           'OLD_TIME',	    4,
           'INIT_PROCESS',  5,
           'LOGIN_PROCESS', 6,
           'USER_PROCESS',  7,
           'DEAD_PROCESS',  8);

    open(UTMP,$UTMP) || die $!;

#	if($ut_type == $proc{'USER_PROCESS'})
	    $ut_user =~ s/\0//g;
            print $ut_user,' ' x (10 - length($ut_user));

	    $ut_line =~ s/\0//g;
	    (-w "/dev/$ut_line")? print "+ " : print "- ";
	    print "$ut_line",' ' x 3;

	    print strftime("%b %d %H:%M",localtime($ut_time)),' ' x 3;
	    print &idle($ut_line),' ' x 3;

	    $ut_host =~ s/\0//g;
	    (!$ut_host)? print "(console)" : print "($ut_host)";	

            print "($ut_type)\n";
sub idle
    return("00:00") if(!$time);
    return("one day+") if($time/86400 >= 1);

    $hrs=($time/3600) % 24;
    $min=($time/60) % 60;

    return(sprintf("%s%d:%s%d",($hrs < 10)?"0":"",$hrs,
          ($min < 10)?"0":"",$min));

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