[ale] Linux System from the Ground up.

Cory T. Echols cory at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Jul 24 19:52:59 EDT 1996

	I'm about to have a computer system built, and I want it to run
Linux in addition to dos/windows, and I want it to run it *well*.  I've
had a Linux system before, so I can handle the install and junk.  I just
need some advice as to what hardware I should be considering that will
work the best with Linux.

	1)  How well does it work with the Pentium Pro, or Cyrix 6x86
CPU's?  Worth getting one?  Or should I just stick with a Pentium?

	2)  I'm considering getting a 3D graphics card (i.e. the Diamond
Edge).  I doubt Linux and X-Windows will be able to take advantage of
the 3D capabilities, but which card should I go for that will provide
the best cost/compatibility/performance under X-windows?

	3)  Any special considerations for Plug and Play Bios'?

	4)  Will I have any problems installing to a large hard drive? 
(assuming I have a modern Bios).

	Also, I would appreciate it if anyone knows of any local, 
established dealers that are knowledgeable enough of Linux to help
me make well-educated choices.  One who would offer some sort
of compatiblity guarantee would be great, if there are such dealers.

	Thanks in advance for the help.
Cory T. Echols		          | I don't need no arms around me.
cory at cc.gatech.edu                | I don't need no drugs to calm me.
gt5414c at prism.gatech.edu          | I have seen the writing on the wall.
www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/cory| Don't think I need anything at all.

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