[ale] Certification (tired of it)

Daniel Boyd dboyd at berry.edu
Fri Jul 19 10:50:49 EDT 1996

After catching up with my ALE mailing list, especially the 
Certification thread, I am offended by the references and jokes about 
CNAs and CNEs.  I've worked with Novell servers for two years 
and have recently started the certification process.  I really thought that 
this was a better group of people than what I've seen exhibited in 
the Certification topic.  Granted there are some bozos that have never
had to maintain Novell servers and have only memorized enough to
pass the tests, but Novell is changing the tests to eliminate some of
that problem.  My only beef is that they can get jobs for which they are not 
really qualified.  But that doesn't mean that Novell certification is 
useless or "just a piece of paper".   My thoughts and mine alone...


Daniel Boyd, CNA              Voice: 706/236-1750
Network Manager               Fax: 706/295-2921
Computing and Technology      email: dboyd at berry.edu
Berry College         "Never challenge worse!" - Quag 

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