[ale] Pine POP3

blackgr at sysconn.com blackgr at sysconn.com
Fri Jul 12 14:22:18 EDT 1996

CH>Can the person that replied to my post give me a hand? I believe
CH>you said that you had pine working with a pop3 server. Can you
CH>tell me how to set that up?


CH> ...............................................................
CH> Christopher L. Hamilton        Systems Administrator/Programmer
CH> chrish at gstv.gsu.edu            http://gstv.gsu.edu/~chrish

I'm not sure if you were referring to me or not, and I don't know
whether or not this is the best way to approach this, but I'll pass
this information on to you.  I'm accessing the internet through a
WorldGroup BBS, so things may be different with your situation.

I'm not really using pine to directly access a pop3 server. Take a look
at the popclient man page. I access my ISP via slip. I then start up a
simple shell script that I included the following command and options
(unless you prefer type this in each time :-)):

popclient -3 -v -u blackgr -p mypassword -o
/home/glynn/mail/whatever-file-name sysconn.com 

I don't have the details in front of me but I set a pointer in .pinerc
which I believe was under the section "Collections, Folders and Files".
 I think it was "incoming-folders=" that I set to reflect the file path
indicated in the -o localfolder option with popclient.

When popclient finishes, I disconnect and startup pine. By selecting
the "I" option "View messages in current folder," pine opens up to the
email downloaded by popclient.

I haven't found the time yet to set up sendmail to send email and I am
still uncertain where I will be queueing up mail composed offline to
send after connecting, but hopefully this will workout.

Glynn Black          blackgr at sysconn.com

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