[ale] SCSI Cables

Chuck Mattern cmattern at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 8 22:10:01 EDT 1996

> I am looking for inexpensive SCSI cables.  one I need is SCSI2 -> SCSI1.
> I've found this cable for $4.50 but to get it you must order $500.00 worth
> of goods.  Has anyone found a cheaper price on the Internet for SCSI cables?

When it comes to SCSI cables I have found that you get what you pay for.  GIM has some nice ones for around $50, and they NEVER give me any trouble, unlike some less expensive ones I have used.


|Chuck Mattern            | "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.."|
|cmattern at mindspring.com  | -Friedrich Nietzsche-                             |

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