[ale] Procmail

Michael David Ivey ivey at gstv.gsu.edu
Thu Feb 29 09:56:49 EST 1996

I've got a little PERL script that will auto-reply with files....it could 
be hacked up to suit your needs, if you want it.



==[ For PGP key, etc. mail ivey at gstv.gsu.edu with Subject: GET LIST ]==
Michael Ivey, sysadmin gstv.gsu.edu 	| They let me have an opinion,
Email: ivey at gsu.edu  			| but they don't listen to it
WWW: http://gstv.gsu.edu/~ivey/		| regardless.
   MailServ v.0.1 available by anon. ftp: gstv.gsu.edu/pub/mailserv/

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