[ale] more NIS/NFS questions (sendmail)

Michael Ivey ivey at gstv.Gsu.EDU
Mon Dec 30 04:46:19 EST 1996

In addition to setting up NIS, I also want to distribute the mail spool from
mailhost.gstv.gsu.edu to all the other machines via NFS.

Question is, how do I make outgoing mail work on the other hosts?  I'll 
set up MX records for all of them to point to mailhost, but when a user 
logged into hosta.gstv.gsu.edu sends mail, I want it to appear to come from 
just user at gstv.gsu.edu.  Also, local mail is an issue (the O'Reilly book 
mentions a remote mode for sendmail...but I can't find it documented in 
the sendmail docs.)

Any one done what I;m doing, and have insight to share?

Michael Ivey <ivey at gsu.edu>       BOFH, Georgia State Television
Phone: (404) 651-4788             http://gstv.gsu.edu/~ivey 
Pager: (404) 485-7662             down, not across
"Did you know that if you're an intellectual, you'll probably end 
    up in Hell for it?"  -Rev. Jonathon Bell

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