[ale] .profile doesn't work

Coyote epperly at cs.odu.edu
Fri Aug 23 16:34:41 EDT 1996

Hello everyone!

	My name is William Epperly.  I've recently moved to the Atlanta
area and have joined this list so that I can become more familiar with
those around here who enjoy the challenges and benefits of using Linux.
Hopefully, I will be able to join many of you at the ALE meetings.  I 
just have to find out how to get to the meeting location :)  Anyway, I'd
like to take a shot at answering Mr. Hamm's question.

David Hamm writes:
 > I have a user whose .profile does not run when he logs in, mine works fine.  Any suggestions?
 > Here is the .profile we are running

Have you checked to see who the owner of the .profile file is?
If the file is owned by anyone other than the user in question, it
will not be executed at login.

William Epperly              |  Any advertising man who is guilty      
epperly at cs.odu.edu           |  of perpetrating such drivel as you
cepperly at atlanta.rssi.com    |  have sent me has something wrong 
                                with his medulla oblongata. --
                                -- Dale Carnegie

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