[ale] sendmail queue

Bobby de Vos gt9913a at prism.gatech.edu
Thu Aug 22 20:34:15 EDT 1996

	Since I live in Home Park, my only 'net' connection is a term
link. I would like to be able to send mail from my machine to the rest
of the world, but have the outgoing mail remain in a queue on my
machine until I set up a term link, say late at night. Ideally, local
mail would be delivered immediately.
	There is a mini-HOWTO called Mail-Queue which tells exactly
how to do that. To do what I described involves changing sendmail.cf
which I would rather not do at this time. In the mini howto it also
says that you can start sendmail like this
	/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -osdq
	and have ALL mail queued until someone types sendmail
-q. Alas, that does not work. I also tried
	/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -os -q
	which is what it says you need for the first way. I did not
modify sendmail.cf. In both cases local mail is delivered immediately,
and remote mail bounces, since the term link is down.
	Does anyone know how to start sendmail so that it behaves as I
would like it to? I am running Slackware Linux 1.2.1, sendmail
8.6.11/8.6.9, and term 2.3.5.
	Thanks for any help, Bobby

Bobby "the fox" de Vos          gt9913a at prism.gatech.edu
ECE - Georgia Tech              http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/gt9913a/

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