[ale] xterms.

nomad nomad at netwide.net
Tue Aug 20 17:27:35 EDT 1996

I have an interesting question.  Why am I unable to paste into
an Xterm that has a "vi" session running.  It always acts as if
I'm entering control chars, and yes I've put it in "insert" mode
before I do the paste.

Robert L. Harris
FSN Administrator -- Time Warner Cable, Orlando Fla.

Robert.Harris at twcable.com
Nomad at netwide.net
#Give Me Un*x or Give Me Death	#				 #
#				# My Opinions alone... Possibly  #
#There are two major products	#  borrowed from someone else,   #  
# to come out of Berkeley: LSD	#  but it's no-one you know want #
# and Unix.  Coincidence? DON'T	#  to know, and I'm expressing	 #
# THINK SO!!!			#  them as my own.		 #

key to UNIX:
  perl -e 'print
  echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq'|dc

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