[ale] Networkin and Sendmail

Dave Ritchie der at hpuerca.atl.hp.com
Thu Apr 18 23:11:57 EDT 1996

charlie wrote:
> Maybe I didn't say exactly what i meant, but Ctrl-alt-bs didn't even shut
> the server down.  What would hooking up a terminal mean?  What can I
> deduce from that?  And how would I go about doing it?
> thanks for the help.
> charlie
>                                                                 Charles Hubbard
>                                           Internet: charlie at felix.cc.gatech.edu
> We have to believe in our free will: We have no choice in the matter.

   What I am suggesting is to get a serial terminal (VT100, etc.)
and connect it to a serial port via getty and log into it - then 
start X and see what sort of mischief is going on with the 
system (using top(1) etc.) 

-- Dave

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