[ale] Networkin and Sendmail

charlie charlie at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Apr 16 11:05:27 EDT 1996


I've posted about this before, but I've gotten the networking services (telnet,
ftp, ping, netscape, etc) to work.  However, if I start up sendmail from the
rc.M file it hangs the machine.  I haven't had time to see if it'll start up
manually, but I'm probably sure it won't.  Another peculiar thing is emacs
at the prompt will also hang the machine, but in X it works just fine.  This
makes me believe something more fundamental is wrong with my machine.
Does anyone have any ideas where to start??  What to look for etc.

								Charles Hubbard
	   		 	          Internet: charlie at felix.cc.gatech.edu
We have to believe in our free will: We have no choice in the matter.

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