Vernard C. Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Nov 2 19:54:02 EST 1994

> If telnet etc work, doesn't the system need to pretend to have an IP
> address? Seeing as a socket server can find out who is attempting
> to connect, what would TIA answer? 
> Another way to ask the question: without temporary IP addresses,
> how does this work?

It pretends to have the address of the host machine ALA term.
Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu)  Ga Tech College of Computing
Student at Large, High Performance Parallel Computation and Experimentation Lab
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Phone (404) 853-9390 "Live large and prosper." - MC Spock
WWW home page-->  http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/m/Vernard.Martin/V.html

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