Vernard C. Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 3 12:04:11 EST 1994

> Thanks. That makes sense, but isn't really all that great. This means
> someone whom you are opening a socket to cannot open a socket back to
> you or anything like that. It also won't allow you to get your mail sent
> to the linux box. Hmm, think I will stick with ppp :) and just dedicate
> a machine at work.

Probably a good idea. The thing bout TIA is that a lot of folks want to run
WWW browsers, POP mailers, etc on their macines and they need to at least
fake IP. TIA allows them to do this. And it does it on just a shell account.
Not bad for $25 one time. 

I'm just waiting for TERM to get to that point. It'll be free :-)
Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu)  Ga Tech College of Computing
Student at Large, High Performance Parallel Computation and Experimentation Lab
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Phone (404) 853-9390 "Live large and prosper." - MC Spock
WWW home page-->  http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/m/Vernard.Martin/V.html

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