Election Update

Tucker Balch tucker at cc.gatech.edu
Sat Nov 12 21:10:28 EST 1994

With 20 hours remaining in the race to decide a name for the new Linux
group in Atlanta, ALUG clings to a tinuous lead with 50% of the vote, 
ALE is close behind with 45%, GLUE trails at 5%.  No candidate yet has
a clear mandate.  One vote separates the leaders. 

Polls close Sunday at 4:00.


Tucker Balch, PhD Student
Mobile Robot Laboratory
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332

(404) 852-9382 - CoC Office, 123 A
(404) 894-9311 - Robotics Lab, MaRC 362, tucker at cc.gatech.edu
(404) 853-0957 - FAX
(404) 350-0520 - Home

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