Linux on laptops...

Susan Liebeskind shl at
Sun Dec 18 21:14:22 EST 1994

> I am about to purchase a laptop, which must run Linux, of course...
> I am looking at an Austin DX4-100 active matrix 524mg/8mg, and the Dell
> Latitude XP DX4-100 active matrix 500mg/8mg. Does anyone have any 
> experience with either of these? 

I will (soon) have experience with the latter.  I asked the same question on
this list earlier in the fall, but didn't get any responses.  But... I
found someone out in net-land who has been able to install and operate 
Linux on the Latitude XP platform (several people actually) without too
much difficulty.  Based on that evidence, I went ahead and ordered 
a Latitude XP DX-75 with dual scan screen , and am optimistic it will work

Get back in touch with me in late January (expected delivery date) and
we'll see if my optimism was warranted :-)


Susan Liebeskind (shl at 
347 Ferst St
Atlanta, GA  30332-0800				 Phone 404-894-4266   

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