[ale] [ALE] Stroke and Home Assistant

Bob Toxen transam at verysecurelinux.com
Thu Mar 27 10:54:02 EDT 2025


Keep working at recovery!  A good friend of mine had a pretty major
stroke but made a full recovery.

Social Security may offer some help as you now have that ugly
tag disabled.  Your health or other insurance may help.  Your U.S.
Congressman and your state representative can help you navigate the
government bureaucrach.

For remote control I recommend X-10.  The units last decades.

Stay strong!

Bob Toxen

On Wed, Mar 26, 2025 at 03:52:47PM -0400, Chuck Payne via Ale wrote:
> Greeting,
> Well,  I might be down right now for the next few months, as I try to learn
> to walk again. I am not out. This is one old tuff cranky dog,
> Feb. 28th, I had a small stroke. I am lucky compared to some of the folks I
> was with in the PT center. I learn to the right, this is affecting my
> walking and balance. I can't see straight unless I wear a patch over one
> eye.
> I am refusing to go quiet into the night. I am still trying to do tech.
> Which brings me to this email to the group. I asked Ameridroid for a kit
> that would get me started with a home assistant. I have a few smart plugs
> which work with my google assistant, I can hear the moaning already because
> I stated that, but I am looking for things to help me, which I am again
> re-learning to walk.
> I like to ask, as anyone on the mailing list down anything with home
> assistant kits, I got Odroid M1S that came with connect zbt-1, I am
> stilling a ton of things I can hook up. I like to replace light switches in
> places like the bathroom and kitchen, maybe plugs for devices, but I am
> open to anything that might help me.
> Beside the easy stuff is anything one does anything like this.
> Using a walker helps, but I could ask, "Computer, bathroom on" at 3am in
> the morning, instead of trying to walk straight feeling like I am in the
> house of funs because my brain doesn't want to walk with me, would be a
> major help.
> I am a bit lucky that my 20 year old son is living with me, but unless I am
> about to fall on my ass or screaming for him to help me, I am pretty much
> on my own.
> -- 
> Terror PUP a.k.a
> Chuck "PUP" Payne
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