[ale] static ip network configuration

Russell L. Carter rcarter at pinyon.org
Sat Jan 11 22:54:02 EST 2025

On 1/11/25 7:26 PM, DJPfulio--- via Ale wrote:
> There are other considerations to using static IPs that nobody has 
> mentioned here.

True.  I now remember I use unbound(8) for recursive DNS queries
which delegates to nsd(8) for local private authoritative DNS
queries.   I ate a couple of cricket books learning that stuff a
long time ago.  Real users (no irony) should never contemplate
spending any significant time on DNS.

But the reason I had forgotten about my DNS was... it just works.


> Also, rc.local isn't enabled on modern Ubuntu. You can enable it, if you 
> like, but that's a different rabbit whole to follow.
> Using a router to provide static IPs to different devices can work, but 
> there are complexities nobody has pointed out here.  You can read up 
> about "DHCP Reservations", which is the typical term used in routers.  
> Your router will handle it differently than others, so if you can't 
> figure that out, know your exact router version and firmware it uses.
> Join the ALE-NW meeting tomorrow and get real, interactive, help there 
> from people who actually use Ubuntu.  When it comes to networking, 
> Ubuntu isn't Debian or any other distro.  If you have an Ubuntu Desktop, 
> then using the GUI is probably the way you want to go.  Sure, linux is 
> linux is linux, to a point. Do you really want to cobble a different 
> solution together?  Only you know and can choose the answer for your needs.
> And I'm with Russel on FVMW.  Avoid the bloat. Use FVWM. ;)  It is just 
> enough desktop/WM not to suck, but more than "Suckless.org" dwm provides.
> On 1/11/25 17:00, Phil Smith via Ale wrote:
>> Gonna try it, but not until the Ravens/Steelers game is over tonight.
>> On Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at 4:55 PM, Ron / BCLUG via Ale 
>> <ale at ale.org> wrote:
>>> Phil Smith via Ale wrote on 2025-01-11 13:32:
>>>> I've got 5 or 6 different computers that I need static ips for.
>>>> will this code work to assign a different ip address for each, or
>>>> should I modify it?
>>>>>> ip link set dev enp3s6 down
>>>>>> ip addr add dev enp3s6
>>>>>> ip route add default via
>>> The device name (enp3s6) will be unique to each machine and ought to
>>> tab-auto-complete in bash.
>>> The IP addr ( will need to be unique for each machine.
>>> Hence, the .87 will be what changes.
>>> You may want to consider which network your router is handing out IP
>>> addresses for, in this case it expects the router to be on 
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