[ale] Godaddy Suxs!!!

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Fri Dec 6 20:05:19 EST 2024

On 12/6/24 19:14, Jeff Lightner via Ale wrote:
> Typically Registrars will send you notice of upcoming domain expirations.
> The problem with that AND calendar reminders is they usually are aimed at a
> single person.   If that person is no longer with the company/organization
> OR that email has changed things might slip through the cracks.  I often
> complained to registrars and certificate issuing authorities about their
> processes not recognizing having single contacts for notifications didn't
> work well for larger shops.   (Of course we could try to use shared
> mailboxes but they often resisted that.)

Email aliases are amazing things.  You can have an alias that sends email to 1 or 500 people.

OTOH, if you are dead, you probably don't care that a cert or domain registration didn't happen. I wouldn't.

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