[ale] [EXTERNAL] Re: Stupid people and DST

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sun Mar 20 10:57:47 EDT 2022

On 3/19/22 23:40, Jim Kinney via Ale wrote:
> Had a vet run the clock back on the automatic blood analysis machine
> by one day. The sample vial had expired the day before and the system
> refused to run. It was the last vial in the clinic and the were
> closing for the day. The clock reset let the test complete and the
> cat was none the worse for wear and I saved a second visit.

When I was coding commercial software, we implemented a network license key server. If you'd set the clock back, that would invalidate all your keys on our license system.  This was in the Y2K days and we told all our clients they should test and we'd be happy to provide 30 day keys for their testing needs over and over and over.  Out of hundreds of clients, only 1 actually contacted us for testing keys.  I found it very shocking that businesses would risk NOT testing.  OTOH, we'd tested. Bug for bug, our software didn't care about the rollover or leap year. I did end up modifying RogueWave libraries - having source code licenses is really excellent.

My "fix" added a sliding scale of +/- 50 yrs to determine which century would be used for 2-digit year entry.  So, 99 is 1999.  60 is 2060. Of course, if a 4 digit year is entered, then that gets used.

Every time Apple has some time related issue, I giggle a little. It really isn't THAT hard.

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