[ale] Recording dialogs for blogs?

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat Jul 9 18:08:35 EDT 2022

On 7/9/22 15:42, Leam Hall via Ale wrote:
> Well, okay, I'm totally clueless about technology and processes
> concerning doing guest blog live or recorded interviews. Any
> suggestions? I have a Logitech C270, and a local sound room that has
> good microphones that connect via USB. Not much understanding past
> that.

How many video feeds?
How many audio feeds?
Are the guests local or remote?
Doing live is much harder than recording, doing a little processing, and uploading.  Most people doing live make up for hardware deficiencies with special purpose hardware that does a capture and stream to specific streaming platforms (yt, fb, vimeo, etc).

OTOH, if you stay away from Wayland, you can use simple screen recorder to just capture your screen and mux the audio in with OBS.  I've used OBS on a Core i3 w/ 4G of RAM, but any video processing really wants more CPU and more RAM.  The fancier you get, the more CPU is needed.

Since you only have a c270, I'd assume you want "good enough" recording. Nothing needs to be perfect.

Obviously, have a notepad and wall clock so you can write down segment start/end times easily.  Also, even if you don't plan to use the webcam audio, record it so you can line up the higher quality audio input wavs with the video easier.

And it is a good idea to have remote guests record their own audio - even if only a backup.  Sometimes hiccups happen over the internet, so it is better to have their recording as a backup even if you don't use it.  Plenty of CLI recorders exist for Linux.

If you have to deal with other platforms, IDK. Sometimes they are easier, sometimes not.

Getting good audio is harder than capturing a screen or muxing a presentation and talking-head in the corner video.

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