[ale] Mac Address

DJ-Pfulio DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Mon Apr 5 13:09:23 EDT 2021

That's more ISOs than I could test in a weekend. ;)

On 4/5/21 12:05 PM, Chuck Payne via Ale wrote:
> So this weekend, I was reviewing my Darkstat, and I noticed a few of my devices had received over 20G of data, so when I look at the mac address, I couldn't tell what the device it was, I even used a site for checking mac addresses who makes the device. I could of thinks that I didn't know could happen. 
> First Amazon devices don't show up correctly. All of my amazon devices for some odd reason, change the first 3 parts of the mac address. Which was throwing off my searches. I did a nmap of my network, and again their first part had changed. I am wondering, why does Amazon do that, by the way, this is their Fire TV devices. Roku doesn't do it. 
> Next, I didn't know this but it makes sense, if a device is behind a firewall, the mac address of the nic is going out is the one that gets reported on. Which throw me, because I was thinking, "Damn, why do I have some devices with the same mac address"  
> Anyway, thought I share this, I was in a bit of panic because I was thinking I was being hacked, but now that I know what going on, I can monitor things better. 

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