[ale] Ultra cheap tablet discussion. Are they useful or can they be made useful?

Beddingfield, Allen allen at ua.edu
Sat Jun 27 18:28:19 EDT 2020

For a couple of years now, I have been seeing these really cheap ($40 to $50) Android tablets in Wal-Mart, dollar stores, and places that normally don't even sell electronics.  Most of them are some brand no one has heard of, or a shameless re-licensing of old school brands like RCA or Polaroid.  I know they are going to be the cheapest of Chinese made junk, but how bad are they?  Would they be usable at all for basic web browsing?  I notice that most of them are running Android 5.0 or 6 .0.  Have any of you played with any of these, or investigated upgrading the OS on them?
Allen B.

Allen Beddingfield
Systems Engineer
Office of Information Technology
The University of Alabama
Office 205-348-2251
allen at ua.edu

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