[ale] Lighted keyboards

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Sun Jun 14 17:05:24 EDT 2020

On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 17:04:58 -0700
Alex Carver via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:

> Thanks, I'm trying to go towards not clacky.  The CEO of the household
> complains bitterly about the current clacky keyboard. :)
I was going to mention that. Last century, and the first four or five
years of this century, I used genuine IBM clickety clack keyboards,
which at the time could be bought used for five bucks at computer shows
and garage sales. The "falling through the ice" feel was definitely
reassuring: You *knew* you'd hit the key --- you couldn't miss.

But back in those days I often typed 2000 words per day, and at the end
of the day my wrists really felt it. Each night I'd slather Ben Gay on
my wrists, and each morning I'd dread pushing those hugely resisitive

Then I switched to a certain model of, as I remember, Dell, which had
tactile feedback and some auditory feedback, but didn't require the
insane force required by the IBM clickety-clacks.

Now I use some ordinary Logitech keyboard with a fairly light touch and
a little tactile feedback, and a lot of auditory feedback. I seldom
type 2000 words per day anymore, so this keyboard is just fine.

When I used the IBM clickety-clacks, I thought they were the best. When
I used the softer but feedbacked Dells, I thought those were the best.
My Logitech isn't half bad. But looking back over 35 years of hard work
using my own computer, I think the winner was the keyboard on my Kaypro

The Kaypro 2X computer had an incredibly light touch all the way to the
bottom, where the key stopped dead in its tracks. If you felt that hard
landing, you knew you'd registered the letter. And when you hit bottom,
you heard it. 2000 words per day is 10,000 keystrokes per day, and
having the Kaypro very light touch (until the bottom) was definitely
wrist-friendly. I'd say it was the best I ever had.

If you ever see a 1981-1986 Kaypro computer, check out its keyboard.
You'll see what I mean.

Like so many other superior things, the Kaypro keyboard philosophy went
out of style. I haven't seen anything like it in 30 years. A few of
today's membrane switches are very light, but they're mushy at the
bottom, telling you nothing. 

With optical-sensing keys now a thing, it would be easy to build the
perfect Kaypro imitation. A light touch spring, engineering to minimize
friction, a solid metal downward stop, and two optical holes a fraction
of a millimeter above hard bottom. Key-down vs Key-up is easily
discerned by which hole fires first.

Bottom line is this: Those using keyboards for Facebook or to fill in
web forms can make due with any piece of junk keyboard. Those who type
a moderate amount will love maximum hit/maximum clack. But for those
typing enough that wrist pain becomes a problem will gravitate to
lighter touch, but still sure-fire keyboards. I sure wish somebody
would make a Kaypro keyboard workalike/feelalike.


Steve Litt 
May 2020 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist

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