[ale] Wifi extenders?

DJ-Pfulio DjPfulio at jdpfu.com
Wed Jun 10 15:38:59 EDT 2020

On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 10:45:49 -0400
Pete Hardie via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:

> I've used powerline extenders to good effect.

Me too for getting wired networking between floors.  But the power
cables in the house matter. A family member tried the MoCA stuff and
failed to get it working anywhere near as well as powerline.  I have
some 600 Mbps powerline.  
https://blog.jdpfu.com/2015/08/27/powerline-ethernet-adapters has
details and test results in different locations around my house. Of
course, this isn't your house.

Getting these things working is about 10 minutes of effort, including
the walking between floors to press encryption buttons (between devices
is encrypted), and finding a utility knife to get into the packaging.
The version here has a power plug so we didn't lose any wall jacks.

But the device is bulky so the other plug is blocked just enough to
make any other wall-warts not fit.  For that, found a 4-to-1 set of
plugs for $8 on amazon a few months ago for low power needs.  4 plugs
for use, 1 plug into the wall. Thick rubber. Perfect when you need more
plugs for lower power things like powered USB hubs, small ethernet
switches or external USB3 HDDs and don't need a $25 power strip. They
make extenders too and I have a 10-pak of those, but why eat 10 plug
ports when 4 devices can use just one?

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