[ale] [OT] IP Cameras, ONVIF, Non-Flash?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Mon Jul 6 17:57:16 EDT 2020

On 2020-07-06 06:33, Robert L. Harris via Ale wrote:
> ok, maybe a tiny bit on-topic, but I'm looking to replace my home security
> cameras.  Currently I've got a nice PTZ camera, but it uses flash and I
> want higher resolution so I'm looking for a replacement.  It has to be
> ONVIF compliant and no-flash. Preferably with PTZ and one someone uses with
> MotionEye/Linux ( see, somewhat on-topic ).

Axis Communication cameras.  Supports ONVIF, H264/H265, MJPEG, works
fine with Motion and doesn't send stuff home like Huawei, Hikvision, etc.

Plenty of options for PTZ and non-PTZ, some with support for one-way and
two-way audio., and lots of high resolution versions as well.

I have six at home.

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