[ale] Containers... use?

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 11:48:31 EDT 2017

I'm miserably aware of some large-scale admin stuff I need to implement. Always a challenge with 1.5 people full time and 3 full time people's worth of work.

Highest priority is to host our own hub. The devels are all "this is just research" until they bypass everything and point a proxy they control at a vm running their latest container.

On September 18, 2017 9:18:46 AM EDT, Jerald Sheets <questy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 16, 2017, at 10:21 PM, Jim Kinney <jim.kinney at gmail.com>
>> From a sysadmin perspective, containers make it far to easy to bypass
>all security protocols. Until it's live, it's a binary blob waiting to
>suck in code from unknown sources and send information to unknown
>locations. Virtual machine security is better and more understood than
>You host your own hub.  That’s the answer.  We’re prevented from
>“reaching out” to the ‘net for anything at all.  I’ve built my own
>container registries internally, and only pull images *I* have rolled
>from there.  I never touch DockerHub.
>> Until I can get a SHA256 signed docker container with sig I trust, I
>can't allow them to touch my storage cluster.
>Again, the setup is necessary, but you can completely lock it down to
>your own internal resources.  This is a non-issue.
>> How do containers get updated for security patches? They don't. Toss
>it and rebuild.
>You do it.  Don’t rely on Docker or the community.  Roll your own
>images (just like folks who use custom AMIs) and maintain full control
>of “all the things”.
>> That sets up a churn of install new containers which will in time
>dull the build process security focus.
>Which is why we automate.  I personally use Puppet, as that is my SME
>domain, but I’ve seen workflows for both Chef and Ansible.  Also a
>> Time passes and a mission critical process is running on a gaping
>security hole that can't be patched because the F+@$ing developer who
>built it got a better job offer and left.
>All containers should be curated by Systems.  The Developers should
>submit them for security scanning, or you should employ a DevSecOps
>model for deployment.  i.e., federate security scanning by providing
>OS, App, transport, penetration, and network security testing as APIs
>that devs can leverage instead of leaving them to security.  Left to
>their own devices, unreasonable deploy timelines set for them, and
>golf-playing pointy-hairs with unreasonable ship date requirements,
>it’ll never happen.
>This should all be automated and part of a security CI/CD pipeline
>without which a “pass” from the security field, cannot ever be deployed
>into production.  This is how we do it.
>> Developers don't have the responsibility for the integrity of the
>system, network, environment. Just their code. The sysadmin is on the
>hook for that blob of festering code rot that lets <fill in a cracking
>team name here> gain root in a container attached to a few TB of
>patient/banking/insurance/ANYTHING data and suddenly the sysadmin makes
>headline news .
>Which doesn’t really happen in containerized applications.  ESPECIALLY
>if you’re orchestrating them properly, and the curation of the
>containers is where they belong: in Systems and Security circles.
>FUD doesn’t play well here, and this smacks of FUD to me.
>Not to call you out, Jim.  :D
>The real issue is automation should be a core component of Security,
>Operations, QA, Development, AND Deployment.  None of this crap should
>be touched with human hands any more.  That’s how you end up with an
>Equifax website with a U/P of admin:admin, thus this morning’s news.

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