[ale] Backblaze HDD Report ....

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Thu Oct 26 18:38:54 EDT 2017

On 2017-10-26 15:17, DJ-Pfulio wrote:
> https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/10/big-hard-disks-may-be-breaking-the-bathtub-curve/
> Headline:
>        1200+ 10T Seagate disks - ZERO (yes, ZERO) failures!!!
> Seems that Seagate might be doing something about their poor reputation
> for huge consumer disks?  The numbers for 4TB Seagate models aren't
> nearly so great (3-31% failures), so we still need to be careful in our
> specific choices.
> I consider any failure rates over 1% to be an "avoid" for my needs.

Careful, the run time on those is not very high.  They have only
accumulated 12,000 drive days and even Backblaze says to take any data
set with less than 50,000 drive days with a grain of salt.

Also, that Seagate model is one of their helium filled enterprise class
drives not a consumer drive.

I also look sideways at helium filled drives.  Keeping helium contained
in anything is incredibly difficult and if enough leaks out the heads
will crash.

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